I’ve picked up biking again. And it is really nice. Perhaps one of the best ways to get around in Stockholm?
One of my colleagues has been nagging me to fix my bike and start commuting with it to work. I put it off, mainly due to the bike not being in such a good shape, and perhaps most problematic was not even at my home, but at my parents!
But then last week, I finally got the bike to the city and I tried to fulfil my promise to actually bike to work. So I did, and it was tough and sweaty. And the bike rode bad, and the chain even got stuck very badly. Sigh…, but on my way home I road past a bicycle workshop and I asked them to take a look and see if they could do something with my bike.

Oh wow, did it get better! It runs so smoothly now and I want to take the bike everywhere.
I just wish I had done this sooner. Perhaps, it’s like with code, if you maintain it, it will work better in the long term.