Author: David

  • First day at my own company

    Today is the first day I’m working for my own company Kodskepp (Swedish for code ship). It feels strange but also very exciting. I’m started with a part-time setup. I’m have two days (in a regular work-week) dedicated for my own, and the other three days I work at my jobby-job. I’ve always known and…

  • Midnattsloppet 2024

    This Saturday, Midnattsloppet (the midnight run) took place. It’s a 10K that takes you around the lovely island of Södermalm (one of the ilands of Stockholm?). The best thing about Midnattsloppet is that it almost feels like a festival, the city is buzzing with people that is out looking at the runners, cheering them on.…

  • Biking

    I’ve picked up biking again, I describe my problems with my bike before getting it fixed up.

  • Sometimes a restart is all you need

    A post about the struggles with IT and remembering the famous words: “have you tried turing it off and on again”. A blog post where I describe my issues with self-hosting Plausbile on my mac using docker desktop

  • Hello World

    The Hello World post of David’s Perspective. Contemplating if I should just write the blog using good ol’ html or use wordpress.